BrightFire Adds Commercial Insurance Product Videos to Insurance Agency Website Service

BrightFire Adds Commercial Insurance Product Videos to Insurance Agency Website Service

BrightFire is delighted to add commercial insurance product videos to our Insurance Agency Website service at no additional cost to help independent insurance agents improve their website engagement and conversion rates.

Studies show that embedding relevant video content on a landing page can increase conversions by as much as 86% (HubSpot).

By adding BrightFire’s new videos to the following commercial insurance product pages already included in our Insurance Agency Websites service, agents can now incorporate relevant video content in their digital marketing strategy to engage website visitors, speak to consumers’ specific insurance needs, and boost conversion rates.

  • Business Owner’s Policy
  • Commercial Auto Insurance
  • Commercial Property Insurance
  • General Liability Insurance
  • Group Health Insurance
  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance

We’ll also launch customer persona website pages for commercial insurance with videos soon.

Commercial Insurance Product Video Example

Watch the video, “Workers’ Compensation Insurance,” below for an example of one of our six new commercial insurance product videos.

Ready to Improve Website Engagement & Conversion Rates?

If you’re ready to leverage video content on your agency website to improve engagement and conversation rates, please schedule a call with sales for more information or to get started with a BrightFire Insurance Agency Website.

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