Connect with BrightFire at NAMIC's Communications + Marketing Workshop

Amplify Your Insurance Marketing Success with BrightFire at NAMIC’s Workshop

BrightFire is excited to sponsor, exhibit, and speak next week at NAMIC’s Communications + Marketing Workshop on August 7-9. Our team looks forward to connecting with marketing, communications, public relations, and advertising professionals from mutual insurance companies across the country.

The NAMIC Communications + Marketing Workshop is a hands-on and peer-led interactive workshop designed to bring the mutual insurance industry’s content creators, relationship builders, and storytellers together to network and exchange industry insights.

Attending? Let’s Connect!

There are a couple of ways your agency can connect with BrightFire at the NAMIC Communications + Marketing Workshop.

Connect with the BrightFire team at NAMIC's Communications + Marketing Workshop

You can attend BrightFire’s educational session on August 8th at 11 AM Eastern in the Conference Theater. Director of Operations Bob Whitis will present, “Market to a Wider Audience Through Content Distribution to Member Agencies in the Age of AI,” and discuss how you can leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline your content creation. 

Additionally, you can visit BrightFire’s booth on Tuesday, August 8th, from 8 AM to 3:30 PM Eastern and Wednesday, August 9th, from 8 AM to 11 AM Eastern. At our booth, you’ll be able to connect with Director of Operations Bob Whitis and Manager of Strategic Partnerships Spencer Breidenbach and discover how you can amplify your insurance marketing success with BrightFire’s comprehensive suite of digital marketing solutions.

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