Alyssa Wolfson Joins BrightFire as a Digital Marketing Strategist

Get to Know Alyssa Wolfson

Meet Alyssa Wolfson, BrightFire’s newest Digital Marketing Strategist! Alyssa received a BBA in Marketing from the University of North Georgia in 2017. Now, as a member of our onboarding team, she has the pleasure of speaking with our new insurance agent clients and bringing their visions to life with our design team. 

With almost six years of experience in the insurance industry as an agent for Allstate in Georgia, Alyssa enjoys getting on each client’s level and being able to understand their day-to-day lives in the insurance world. 

When asked about her role at BrightFire, Alyssa said, “I’ve taken my knowledge of insurance, mixed it with my passion for marketing, and found my dream job here at BrightFire.”

Alyssa is also a first-time expectant mother getting ready to chase around a baby boy. 

At BrightFire, we’ve developed a series of questions that are scientifically proven to tell you everything you need to know about a person. Here are Alyssa’s responses to those questions.

What is your go-to karaoke song?

“Man I Feel like a Woman,” by Shania Twain with my life-long best friend. 

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Spain, Italy, and always Disney World.

What do you usually do when you have time off?

Spending time with my family and friends, going to Disney World, and planning my next vacation. 

What’s your favorite movie, and why?

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation because Christmas is my all-time favorite time of the year, and who doesn’t love a good holiday classic?

What is your guilty food pleasure?

Krispy Kreme Donuts day and night!

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