Chelsea Peterson Joins BrightFire as a Digital Marketing Coordinator

Get to Know Chelsea Peterson

We are pleased to announce that we’ve continued to grow over the last few months, both in the number of insurance agencies we serve, as well as the number of team members joining us to support that growth.

Today, we’d like to take a moment to help you get to know Chelsea Peterson, BrightFire’s newest Digital Marketing Coordinator. With a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, Public Relations, from the University of Georgia, Chelsea is very experienced in the realms of copywriting, digital marketing, and social media marketing. 

As a Digital Marketing Coordinator, she’s here to strengthen BrightFire’s marketing efforts by crafting content and designing visuals for our 20 Minute Marketing Webinars, blogs, emails, social media posts, etc. She also helps strategize and streamline our marketing efforts and initiatives to ensure BrightFire is always providing relevant and helpful content for insurance agents and producers in the most efficient way possible.

When she’s not working on her marketing skills, you can often find Chelsea serving the local community or planning her next mission trip. She has gone on several mission trips to St. Mary, Jamaica, and in 2014, she actually lived there for three months leading short-term mission trips. A couple of Atlanta-based organizations she enjoys volunteering at include Atlanta Mission and SafeHouse Outreach.

At BrightFire, we’ve developed a series of questions that are scientifically proven to tell you everything you need to know about a person. Here are Chelsea’s responses to those questions.

What is your go-to karaoke song?

I don’t know that I have actually ever done karaoke in front of a room full of strangers, but “Man! I Feel like a Woman” is always one of my favorite songs to sing loudly in the car with friends!

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Spain! I had a total of 14 years of Spanish classes growing up, and I fell in love with Spain through the process. The language is beautiful, I think it would be so fun to learn how to flamenco and salsa dance, and I would love to become fluent in Spanish. You would think 14 years of Spanish classes would make me fluent, but they say it’s much easier to learn when you’re immersed in the culture! A close runner up would have to be going on an African safari. 

What do you usually do when you have time off?

I love crafting, baking, and being outdoors! (Weird combination, I know…) If I’m not creating personalized gifts and decorations with my Cricut or baking (usually chocolate) desserts, I’m typically working on outdoor house projects with my husband or playing with my Chocolate Labrador puppy. 

What is your favorite movie, and why?

I would have to say Elf because even though it’s a Christmas movie, it’s definitely one you can get a good laugh from year-round. Also, we’re basically twins: we have the same kind of humor, I get excited about seeing a dog, smiling is definitely my favorite, and I love knowing people’s favorite color. Since you’re now wondering, mine is yellow because it entails all of my favorite things – sunshine, sunflowers, and lemons! 

Elf Smiling

What is your guilty food pleasure?

Any baked good, especially if it has chocolate! I mentioned above that I love baking, so I have a constant struggle between wanting to bake and not wanting to eat all the calories!

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