CPS Instant Sales Tool

No-Cost Critical Illness Instant Sales Tool for Your Website

BrightFire is happy to announce another no-cost instant quoting digital selling tool for your website to generate additional revenue. Prepare, for digital critical illness sales is now available through our partnership with CPS Insurance Services.

When an individual encounters a critical illness such as cancer, heart attack, or stroke, there is often an extensive emotional and financial strain placed on the family. With Prepare, your agency can help protect your client’s finances against life-changing events by offering them a quick and easy solution to find the coverage they need at an affordable rate.

Integrate Prepare With Your BrightFire Website

Prepare is an instant online quote and bind option that allows agents to sell more critical illness insurance hands-free. Once Prepare is integrated with your BrightFire Insurance Agency Website, there is no additional involvement needed from your agency. Your website visitors will be able to receive an instant quote with the option to pay for and bind the policy online immediately. 

Not Currently Selling Critical Illness Insurance?

Even if you’re not currently selling critical illness insurance, CPS can act as an extension of your team to facilitate critical illness insurance sales opportunities on a referral and revenue share basis. CPS provides this service nationally and has helped hundreds of agencies cross-sell their book of business to significantly grow revenues.

Ready to Sell More Critical Illness Insurance Policies?

If you are interested in seeing what’s possible with CPS Insurance Services’ free online critical illness digital selling tool, please schedule a call with a BrightFire expert or call (888) 778-4393.

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